TRC & Why The Media Matters

I was leafing through my stack of HVACR-related magazines (yes, I continue to read many of them in a hard copy version) and saw our press release about Oct. 24 Recycle Your Mercury-Containing Thermostat Day. I found the mention gratifying.
It’s not that the trade publications covering the HVACR industry have been both generous and attentive to us (they have), but it was my awareness of their role in our mission. It is a subject that we might not raise often enough.
We think correctly of the partnership among TRC, the HARDI wholesalers who maintain our green buckets for collection at their stores and also the contractors who often are the ones who make the replacements and remember to recycle them.
That “remembering” part is essential. As the cliché goes, “we’ve been doing this for a long time,” and I would like to believe that people know about Thermostat Recycling Corporation or TRC and what we do. But I also know that it never hurts to remind people, even if it is a task they associate with their daily routines or habits.
That’s why trade publications are so crucial to TRC and the readers who peruse them. Whether the publications are contractor- or wholesaler-focused, by reaching out to both, we essentially cover the entire market.
In my dream world, one day, some contractor will replace a mercury-containing thermostat, raise it above his or her head and proclaim: “I found it. This is the last mercury-containing thermostat in the lower 48.” When that happens, I’m sure we can corral our trade media into printing or posting that press release.
But until then, let me state the obvious. We greatly appreciate your efforts to promote our goals. It strengthens the HVACR industry, and bluntly put, it’s better for the environment and for all Americans. That might sound trite but it’s true.
We update our media list annually, just before the New Year. So if you’re in the media and reading this blog but are not getting our press releases, please reach out to me, and I’ll ensure that you are on the list and receive all future communications.
And please accept a well-deserved thank you from TRC.