Six Return and Nine Join the TRC 10 Bin Club

Congratulations those returning and new to the TRC 10 Bin Club this past February! Whether they are new or returning, they have committed their organizations to returning 10 recycling bins to TRC through their lifetime partnership.
Our returning members are Johnstone Supply Co. in Irwindale, CA, Allied Refrigeration in Los Angeles, CA, Corken Steel in Covington, KY, Lyon Conklin Co. Inc. (Ferguson) in West Chester, PA, Allied Refrigeration in Pomona, CA and R.E. Michel Company, Inc. in Durham, NC.
Our new members are Neighbors of Western Vermont in Bennington, VT, Town of Cheshire TS in Cheshire, MA, Marin Ace in San Rafael, CA, Jerry Hervey in Pauls Valley, OK, Standard 5 & 8 Ace in San Francisco, CA, Temperature Equipment in Wheeling, IL, Nero A/C & Heating Inc. in North Haven, CT, Wing Solar & Wood Energy in Red Bluff, CA and Hensel’s Ace Hardware in Arcata, CA.
We thank our partners for their commitment to return 10 recycling bins to Thermostat Recycling Corporation. Your hard work helps us achieve our goal to correctly dispose of and recycle mercury thermostats.