A Note of Thanks for Those Who Keep the Environment Safer

The dust has settled, the results are in, and we have three more winners in TRC’s annual Banish Mercury Off the Planet contest.
I thought that since this is a milestone year for TRC, it was appropriate to remind all of our partners of this Silver 25th anniversary, who have been at the forefront of recycling.
2023: Johnstone Supply, Refrigeration Sales Corp. and Sigler Wholesale Distributors.
2022: Johnstone Supply, Progress Supply and Allied Refrigeration.
2021: Johnstone Supply, Famous Supply and Geary Pacific.
2020: Johnstone Supply, APCO Inc. and Allied Refrigeration.
2019: Johnstone Supply, Dubuque Supply and Johnson Supply.
2018: Johnstone Supply, Meier Supply Co., and Johnson Supply.
2017: Johnstone Supply, Tower Equipment, Johnson Supply.
2016: Johnstone Supply, Gustave Larson, Auer Steel.
2015: Auer Steel, Johnson Supply, US Air Conditioning Distributors, and Johnstone Supply.
2014: Corken Steel Products, Crescent Parts & Equipment, and Johnstone Supply.
2013: Johnstone Supply.
2012: Johnson Supply.
This is an appropriate time to laud our winners, yet there are other winners too. They are companies that might not ascend to the top three list during the contest period but still make the effort. The combined efforts of all these partners genuinely contribute to our environmental efforts.
However, no program, effort or contest moves forward without someone leading the charge. That’s why I’d like to thank the leadership of the organizations we highlight, who made the executive decision both to participate in the program and to pass on the responsibility to their staff. It’s the staff who do the everyday task of checking the bins, encouraging contractors to bring them in, and finally sending the units to our recycling centers.
I also don’t want to forget the contractors, the people in the field who knew what to do – safely recycle that unit and not throw it away – and then followed through with the recycling process. It’s never exciting, and there is no applause, but the combination of these individual efforts is how we keep our environment safe.
When I write a congratulatory blog like this, it is easy to invoke flowery phrases and use words of great importance. Indeed, we can apply it to these winners and the industry as a whole. But since we’ll always be an industry where we get our hands dirty, I thought we could go with a meaningful, simpler accolade: “A job well done.”
Thank you.