The Anticipation of 2021

As I write this blog, I wonder whether impending changes are amounting to heightened anticipation for 2021. That is most definitely the case for me, even though one month in, it seems we are still in that holding pattern. Now is as good a time as any to give you a glimpse of our trajectory for this year, which is the basis for this mini-roundup. While the coronavirus epidemic continues to invade our daily lives, work continues, and optimism is the spirit at TRC. Here are a few teasers about our 2021 plans, which we will flesh out in future blogs.
Website Rebirth. Like your resume and business card (if you still use one), there comes a time to refine and improve from a previous effort. We expect an early April launch of a new website that will be more user-friendly to navigate and offer more options. We’ll keep you in the loop.
On the Road. Not quite yet, but if predictions are correct regarding vaccine usage and growing travel opportunities, we haven’t abandoned the idea of attending essential industry conferences. I still believe that face-to-face contact is essential to convey the importance of TRC’s mission. We will be cautious and adhere to all government protocols that might apply to travel. However, I hope we will see some of you this year, when it is safer for everyone. We will keep you posted when we take to the road again.
Returning Board Member. We welcome back Bob Johnson, manager of Environmental Affairs at Lennox International Inc. Bob served on our board from 2011 to 2016. He is well-versed on environmental issues, and we appreciate his guiding hand and leadership as he rejoins our board.
From your email to our inbox. While we continually review our progress, we are always open to new ideas. If you have any suggestions that might help us in 2021, we are ready to read them. Just drop me a note at